first, your spelling is terrible! yes, we know that we`re ugly motherfuckers but nevermind that because we can still beat you in "Čovjeće, ne ljuti se!" which is an ancient old school board game... we`re coming from Bizaroland and the drummer is 45 but he can still kick your ass! thanx, we love you!
jea bejbi jea!
ReplyDeletefak ju!
hello guys!you look very pretty!even that on with no hare.where are you from?how old is a drummer:)
ReplyDeletefirst, your spelling is terrible! yes, we know that we`re ugly motherfuckers but nevermind that because we can still beat you in "Čovjeće, ne ljuti se!" which is an ancient old school board game... we`re coming from Bizaroland and the drummer is 45 but he can still kick your ass! thanx, we love you!
D Snejk
e snejk budalo jedna, kao nisi skužio očigledno prcanje s kilometra ili? jeboteeeee...:-)
ReplyDeleteej, Snejk, i tvoj spelling rula. piše se čovjeČe ;)
ReplyDeleteej đank mesaja, budalo :) kao moj post je ultra obziljan??? DUH! i piše se Bald e ne Bold, Bald ti znači ćelav a Bold ti je jedan band :)
ReplyDelete"Čovjeće" je onak, kvartovski, sa mekim ć na kraju, kuiš ;)
a sad podojite obadvoje!
daj kaj vi brijete
ReplyDeleteti deželica čkomi ne res ne
ReplyDeleteJel taj zadar potvrđen,Ivan